Nonprofit Tech Trends

Key Questions for Nonprofits Evaluating 3rd Party Platforms

Written by Justin Brown | Jun 2, 2023 4:00:00 PM

Nonprofit organizations play a crucial role in addressing social and humanitarian issues, often collecting and managing sensitive data to fulfill their missions effectively. However, with increasing reliance on technology, nonprofits must prioritize robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard their valuable information. When considering a third-party software platform, thorough vetting of its cybersecurity practices is essential. This blog post aims to highlight the key questions that nonprofit organizations should ask to ensure that a software platform can be trusted with sensitive data.

Is the software platform compliant with industry standards and regulations?

The first step in assessing a software platform's cybersecurity measures is to determine if it adheres to recognized industry standards and regulatory requirements. Nonprofits should inquire whether the platform follows standards such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) or the International Organization for Standardization's (ISO) Information Security Management System (ISMS) certification. Compliance with these standards demonstrates a commitment to data security and protection against potential vulnerabilities.

What encryption and data protection mechanisms does the platform employ?

Encryption is a fundamental aspect of cybersecurity, ensuring that data remains secure both during transmission and storage. Nonprofits should inquire about the encryption methods used by the platform, such as secure socket layer (SSL) or transport layer security (TLS) protocols. Additionally, it is crucial to understand how the platform handles data access and storage, including measures such as two-factor authentication, access controls, and data backup strategies.

How does the platform handle software updates and patches?

Software platforms must regularly update their systems to address potential security vulnerabilities. Nonprofits should inquire about the platform's update policies, including how frequently they release patches and updates. Additionally, understanding how the platform notifies users about updates and whether they provide information on security-related fixes is essential to assess their commitment to cybersecurity.

Does the platform have a robust incident response and disaster recovery plan?

No system is entirely immune to cyber threats, making it imperative for nonprofit organizations to understand how a software platform responds to security incidents. Inquire about the platform's incident response plan, including how they detect, respond to, and recover from security breaches. An effective plan should involve timely notifications, prompt investigations, and regular updates on the resolution progress. Additionally, understanding the platform's disaster recovery procedures, including data backup, restoration, and continuity measures, will help assess their preparedness for potential disruptions.

How does the platform handle employee access and training?

Human error remains one of the leading causes of cybersecurity breaches. Nonprofits should inquire about the platform's employee access policies, including background checks and strict user access controls. Understanding how the platform trains its employees on cybersecurity best practices can provide insights into their commitment to maintaining a secure environment.

Has the platform undergone independent security audits or assessments?

Third-party software platforms that prioritize security often subject themselves to independent security audits or assessments by reputable firms. Nonprofits should inquire about the platform's history of assessments and any security certifications they have obtained. This information can help assess the platform's commitment to cybersecurity and the extent to which they prioritize regular evaluation of their systems.

Can the platform provide references from other nonprofit organizations?

One effective way to gauge a software platform's trustworthiness is by seeking references from other nonprofit organizations that have utilized their services. Inquire about their experiences with the platform's cybersecurity measures, responsiveness to security concerns, and any instances of data breaches. These references can provide valuable insights into the platform's track record and its ability to safeguard sensitive data.


Ensuring robust cybersecurity measures is crucial for nonprofit organizations entrusted with sensitive data. When evaluating third-party software platforms, nonprofits should ask a series of key questions to assess the platform's commitment to data security. By considering factors such as compliance with industry standards, encryption methods, incident response plans, employee access policies, and independent security assessments, nonprofits can make informed decisions and mitigate potential risks. Remember, investing time and effort in vetting a software platform's cybersecurity measures can go a long way in safeguarding your organization's valuable data and upholding the trust of your stakeholders.